
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

From P license to C license in Malaysia

Prior to writing this entry, I have realized that there was no official instruction, or at least not one that can be found easily, within the JPJ website about upgrading your PDL (Probation Driving License) or better known as "Lesen P" to CDL (Competent Driving License) alias "Lesen Penuh".

Hopefully this entry will help with that.

What you need

  1. For the probation period of the PDL to be over.
  2. Your original P license
  3. Your Identification Card (I/C)
  4. 1 License size photo*
  5. RM 30 for each year of CDL (maximum of 5 years at once)
*Be aware that the license size and passport size photo is different. License size photo is much smaller. If you have accidentally brought a passport sized photo however, do not worry as they have a cutter that will crop and cut your photo to license size. But now your new license will have your whole round face on it. I learned this the hard way.

Where you can upgrade
There is a lot of JPJ offices all around the nation but I will only list the ones around the capital.

Lot 14264
Telephone: 03 40241200
Faks: 03-40236599

Maju Junction
Level 2 Maju Junction Mall
50250Wilayah Persekutuan
Telephone: 03-26989572
Faks: 03 26989470

No 1, Jalan Permaisuri 8,
Telephone: 0391727461
Faks: 0391727343

You can look for other JPJ offices around the nation here.

How to upgrade and how long it would take
Depending on the day and branch that you went, the number of people varies.
I suggest that you go on a weekday and avoid weekends and public holidays if possible.
I went and did mine on a weekday and the whole process took about 15 minutes.

  1. Get a number, wait for your number to be called.
  2. Go to counter, meet and greet nicely.
  3. If counter attendant is awek cun, turn on your suave. Bonus points if you manage to get phone number. If you are a lady, skip to step 4.
  4. Tell the counter attendant that you want to upgrade your PDL to CDL.
  5. Present your PDL to the counter attendant. I/C as well if required.
  6. Pay respective amount according to the requested CDL validity period.
  7. Your new CDL will be issued on the spot.
  8. Congratulations! You are now a CDL certified road user!
  9. Cry alone in a corner because you don't have your own car.
The whole process is really easy and could be done in a single afternoon. The problem is only that it does not have clear instructions. Hope my experience may help many.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kahwin Cara Melayu Stereotaip

(Nukilan asal oleh: Syahmi Yem)

Perbualan antara dua orang makcik;

"Wah, hensem la anak Kak Limah tu kan? Lama tak nampak dier."

"Uish, tu la. Nak je aku jodohkan dengan anak aku si Aishah tu."

"Keje ape budak tu? Nampak macam pandai je."

"Haa tu la ko tak tau Enon oi, budak tu dulu belajar kat Amerika ko tau."

"Amboi, jauhnye. Mesti gaji besar tu."

"Tu lah aku cakap, kalau Aishah tu kahwin dengan budak tu, cerah la mase depan."

"Aku dengar adik beradik dier semua pandai-pandai, kak Siti bagi makan ape la agaknye budak-budak tu."

Sebulan selepas itu,

"Eh, Nab, aku dengar anak Kak Siti yang baru balik oversea tu datang rumah kau merisik si Aishah. Betul ke?"

"Haa ye lah tu. Lega aku dapat menantu pangkat besar."

"Habis tu Aishah terima ke tak?"

"Alah kau ni, Aishah tu dengar je gaji besar, seronok sangat la dier."

"Ha'ah yek. Untung kau Eton. Dapat menantu orang kaya."

Hari berbincang pasal urusan perkahwinan,

"Haa macam ni lah Sudin. Makcik nak sangat korang kahwin kat hotel. Buat besar-besar sikit. Makcik tumpang gembira je."

"Oh, tak ada masalah makcik, tapi saya tak berapa setuju nak berbelanja banyak untuk urusan kahwin ni. Membazir."

"Eh, membazir apa pulak. Sekali seumur hidup je ni."

"Nantilah saya fikirkan macam mana. Jadi, makcik, pakcik dah berapa mas kahwinnya?"

"Oh, pasal tu. Kami dah bincang. Makcik letak RM15000 je. Sudin okey je kan?"

"Amboi, mahalnya makcik. Mana nak cari duit banyak tu."

"Eh, Sudin kau kan dah ada jawatan tinggi, gaji besar. Takkan la tak mampu."

"Saya baru je habis belajar la makcik. Bukan dah berbelas tahun kerja."

"Eh, takkan la tak ada simpanan langsung, Sudin. Ni sekali seumur hidup je ni."

"Simpanan saya, saya dah beli rumah sendiri, beli kereta. Habis."

"Alah, Sudin. Tak kan la kau taknak Aishah tu."


Ape lah kahwin sebab duit. Susah nak cari orang Melayu yang tak pandang harta. Yang sederhana, nak hidup senang. Yang dah sedia kaya, nak tambah harta. 

Time aku nak cari calon nanti, jangan harap aku nak cakap aku ni belajar oversea. Jangan harap nak cakap aku kerja apa. Jangan sampai kahwin sebab harta.

Heh. Bajet aku ni kaya la nanti. Ceh. Berangan kuat.

Tapi tu lah. Stereotaip Melayu buat majlis kahwin. Apa salahnya bersederhana.
Balik Malaysia bulan depan nak kahwin lah. jk

Okey babai.

Salam alaik~
