
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Driving Lesson: Part 5

This will be the last entry for this episodic content. If you're interested to follow my story from the very first day, use the keyword "jpj" to look for these kinds of posts. Now, on the the post.

Again, I had to skip class for the second time this week in order to attend the test. I've submitted my special leave letter to the respective lecturers but aside from attendance, I'm also missing out on my studies. No choice. I went home on the Tuesday afternoon, but stopped by Nilai for a while to take care of some business. After all that's done, I head home using the "oh-so-efficient-and-always-arrive-on-time" KTM Komuter. I unintentionally slept in the train while sitting in a vacant train coach. Probably I was too tired from the usual headache and an uncounted for flu. Woke up a station before Kajang (UKM). I didn't remember when I doze off though. Fetched by my mom. Settled everything there is to settle, grabbed a comic, read it in my room and went to sleep.

On the Wednesday of my test, I woke up 5 minutes late. But I still took my time knowing that today is going to be a very long day with a lot of waiting. Ate breakfast and went to the centre. There was a large number of crowd there which means only 1 thing; longer wait times. So there was 3 colours (each representing a group). White for repeats, yellow and green for first timers, with the only difference is yellow is limited to 60 person. The green bunch that day was 122 person. That sucks. I hate waiting. There's a Malay saying that goes,"waiting is a torture" in which I agree wholeheartedly.

My first test was part 2, which are the hills, parks and turns. I was kinda nervous for the hill as out of all the 3 things, hills were where I failed the most. My wait wasn't very long for this. Got a car with a damaged gearbox since it produces this weird shifting sound no matter how hard I press on the clutch. And the gears itself wobble at its place. Meh. What can I do anyway. With the holy "Bismillah" coming out of my mouth, I stepped on the clutch, changed to the 1st gear and lowered the handbrakes... slowly, I lift my left foot from the clutch... the car moves and by the time the car was stable enough, I tip toed the accelerator, the car moves up the hill, my heart pulsate faster, by the time before the sidemirror is alligned with the poles, I hit the brakes, leaned outside the window to see the front wheels are perfectly in the yellow area. 1 thing is done. Now to the difficult part. After raising my hand to indicate to the JPJ Instructor that I'm done there, I repeat the process of moving, and the car moved forward without a little reversing. Thank God!! Passed the difficult part. Now the rest should be a cakewalk. Did the other 2 things well. Haha that's a little dramatic story-telling from me.

Now on to the part 3, on road. All of the peeps from group yellow and green were waiting for their turn around if I'm not mistaken 8 cars. That is 60 yellow + 122 green = 182 peeps with average of 10 minutes each = 182 peeps x 10 minutes = 1820 minutes required divided with 8 cars so 1820/8 = 227.5 minutes + around 30 minutes of the JPJ officers lunch break which now brings us to a total of approximately 257.5 minutes which is roughly 4.3 hours of maximum waiting time for your turn. And this isn't Alaska people, Malaysia is a tropical country that is very generous (sometimes too generous) with their sunshines. I was one of the last dozen people. Which sucks. I doze off multiple times because I was so freaking tired and bored of waiting. If only I had a PSP at that moment. Not to mention also thirsty, but because I'm afraid that my number is called when I went to the canteen to get a drink, I didn't buy anything. The numbers were called out randomly too. If it was called in some sort of order, at least I can do a little bit of timing to do something else to kill my boredom. So when there was very few people left there, finally my number was called out, but I still have to wait for the instructor to test another guy first.

I had Jalan 1 for my test, which is the one going near the school. Aside from a few law breaking citizens of Malaysia, there wasn't a problem. When I got back to the centre, guess what? More waiting! Yay!! If I subtract all of the waiting that I have to do, I think it'll take up no more than half an hour. So right now I had to wait for my blue card from the instructor who hasn't gave it to the person in charge of redistributing all of the cards to be kept by the driving school branch because he doesn't like to come out of his car very much so he keep a number of them before giving it back. Which made me unnecessarily wait. What an uneffective protocol.

Whatever it is, I passed them all. I got my license. My real P license I will receive this Saturday so I would only be driving by then. Which I thinki I would. Anybody want to volunteer? Hehe.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Driving Lesson: Part 4

This event happened on a Monday of no particular holiday, which means I had to skip classes no choice. Why I did so? Well, my driving school here only has JPJ tests on Wednesday. And prior to the test day, they provide you with a final lesson before the actual test day which will determine whether you fail or pass. I think a lot of other driving school does this but which one I do not know.

So, because I had to skip class for Monday of March 23 and Wednesday of March 25, I've written a special leave letter to my lecturers pledging that my attendence will be registered as absent with reasons instead of just absent. At the time of writing I haven't submitted the letter but I have attained the initials from the driving school to prove that I really do have lessons on that day. I was planning to leave college for home at 8 in the morning because of my intelligence of not resetting the clock after the Subuh prayers, I woke up by myself at quarter before 10. The lesson starts at 1pm actually but the reason I wanted to get home early is so that I can do my laundry earlier and have some time to relax thus not rushing for the lesson. Now because I'm late, I can't really take my time doing things. As soon as I arrive in my neighbourhood, I walked straight to the driving centre branch to get their initials. Got home, warmed up my lunch, get my laundry done, had lunch, had dessert (a slice of Choc Indulgence which happen to be in the fridge) and right after I finish hanging my laundry, the instructor came.

My usual instructor can't make it today, so I had a lady instructor. I don't want a lady instructor. Not that I like men, I just wanted my first driving experience with a lady is not with an instructor. Maybe someone special. Hehe. Well I'm being honest la kan ape salahnye. And the usual cycle of the part 1 technical driving and part 2 on road repeats. Nothing really interesting today. I had less engine stalls. Getting pretty confident now. The only problem today was it was blazing hot. I could barely stand it. Added with the fact I cannot switch on the air-conditioner during technical driving to stabilize the engine didn't make it easier. 3 hours of training today. Drove home.

My real JPJ test will be on this coming Wednesday (March 25). Again I would have to skip class and from what I've heard, I'll have to wait for my turn to take the test. Urgh. I don't like waiting. But most importantly, I have to pass and get my license. Wish me luck.

I wish THIS is my first car...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Watchmen Movie Review

Actually I have watched this movie back on Friday the 13th of this month but it is only now that I have the mood to finally write this down. It's been a while since the last entry. Here is my review.

Prior to watching this movie, I have been trying to catch up with the graphic novel which consists of 12 issue of graphic goodness by Alan Moore. It is one of the most celebrated comic book of all times and the only comic book to have made it in the Times Magazine 100 Best Book of All Time. Sadly I have only read up to book 4 to the day of the movie. I went with someone else to Seremban's Terminal 1. The movie was 6pm and my last class was supposed to end at 4.30pm. Luckily my class ends at 4pm and I called a right away which arrived around 15 minutes after which is still late considering I have a train to catch which is usually also late and someone to meet to tag along which will also cost valuable time. Thankfully by the time I got on the train, so does someone arrive at the station. By the time we got to Seremban, it was already 5.40pm. Got to the cinema, bought our ticket, and we had 10 minutes to spare. As usual I buy some popcorn and coke. The movie started as soon as we got the seat. Well, what can I say, one of my most anticipated movie of this year. And just like in the book, The Comedian gets murdered initially, which the story revolves around who did it. Watchmen are a group of people in costumes that controls the peace of New York City having that it had no police. The story is about the second generation of Watchmens which the first generation is known as the Minutemen. Some of the the Watchmens are continuation from the previous Minutemen bearing the the initials "II" which is two in roman characters in thier name. The rest of story is very complicated yet very rewarding if you really get a hold of it. I recommend you to read the book first before watching the movie as it will leave you jaw dropping to the floor with how much similarity it had with the book. Even if you haven't read the book, just go see it for a great cinema experience. The story unfolds very neatly and sticks very nearly to the book. Almost everything about the book is portrayed in this movie except for some smaller scenes and the ending of the movie was changed too but that just gives you the reason to experience both the book and the movie. All and all, I really have nothing to say about the movie aside that although it was 2 hours and 30 minutes long, there wasn't a single dull moment. The highest recommendation for this movie from me. If you have the time, go see it. Don't think twice.

Keep in mind that the comic book was more than a decade ago and it was told by many comic experts as a comic that is impossible to be filmed. Zack Snyder hit the homerun. Also thanks to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake!!!) and another guy for making this movie on the dot. And just for fun, I want to show you some similarities from the comic to the screen. And these are just from the final trailer, not the whole movie. The movie is like a Deja Vu if you've read the comic. But a good Deja Vu of course.

For more small details and similarity of the movie go to the official website of the studio here or some other guy's research here.

Oh for the rating, I'll give it a full 10/10.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tagged by Zafree

Terima kasih la Zafree. Aku tau aku nye jawapan nanti tak lari jauh dr kau tp takpelah kau suruh aku bwat la. Kang nangis aku gak yg kene pujuk. Haha!

TO ALL MY NON-MALAY SPEAKING MALAY FRIENDS: This post will be in Malay and subtitles won't be available. If you don't understand this I suggest you start brushing up on your mothertongue language and bitch-slap yourself as hard as you can. I shall begin. Answers are not in any particular order except for the 1st one which is in descending order.

Senaraikan 5 hadiah yang anda impikan:
* PS3 (byk sgt game yg aku suka kat konsol ni)
* X-Box 360 (walaupun aku sebenarnya anti skit dgn konsol nih)
* Wii (sbb ade No More Heroes, Umbrella Chronicles & MadWorld)
* Video kamera cakera keras 120GB [Sony SR-12E]
* TV LCD 50 inci Samsung (kalau LCD tv aku rasa Samsung lg lawa gambar dia. Maaf Sony!)

Alasan terhadap pilihan tersebut:
* sbb hobi dan aku mmg peminat Sony
* sbb ade game yg best yg takde kat PS3
* sbb ade beberapa game yg best
* sbb suke rekod memori hidup sendiri
* utk dimainkan dgn konsol2 yg diberi

5 Impresi terhadap orang yang diminati
* memahami
* penyayang
* bekerja keras
* sensitif (tp sensitif yg elok la)
* cantik

5 Perkara hebat yang pernah dilakukan
* berkawan dgn kawan yg terbaik pernah aku mintak
* menang tempat ke-4 dlm esei bahasa inggeris anjuran kompeni nasional
* belanja org lain
* menjadi org optimistik
* agak terer gak la dlm sesetengah game. haha!

5 Ciptaan yang paling disukai (tidak semestinya melibatkan teknologi)
* alam semesta dan isi-isi nya
* komputer (tak kira PC atau konsol game)
* duit
* pai epal McDonald's
* kereta sport

5 perkara yang dibenci
* penipuan
* mungkir janji
* org yg tak tepati masa
* org yg tak bertanggungjawab
* org yg berlagak pandai

5 orang yang hendak ditag
* seperti biasa semua pengikut blog aku (tp tak diwajibkan)
* pastu sesiapa la yg dah kehabisan idea utk blog
* sesiapa yg belum penah kena tag tu, buat la tag ni
* sesiapa yg perlukan perhatian org lain pun silalah buat
* sesiapa yg ade mase utk dibuang, buat la

baru korang tau BM aku camne! haha!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What my non-biological sister think of me

Here's the post. Do leave a comment.

Bangga btol ade org blog pasal aku. Haha!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Movie Checklist 2009: Part 1

These are the movies that are confirmed for this year and I am looking forward to watch them all if I had the time. Even if I don't have time, I'll maybe wait for the DVD and buy it. All the movies listed here is released in the first half of 2009. The next half, I will do later. In order or release:

Inkheart (didn't watch)

Based on the book by Cornelia Funke, "Inkheart" is a timeless adventure tale of imagination that centers on Meggie, a young girl whose father has a secret ability to bring characters from books to life when he reads them aloud. But when a power-hungry villain from a rare children's fable kidnaps Meggie's father to bring others out of the boundaries of fiction, she and a disparate group of friends both real and magic embark on the kind of adventure she has only read about in books to save him and set things right.
Why yes?: The ability to bring up any characters from any book is very interesting. And I know in the real world, if a girl has this power, she will surely bring up Edward Cullen.
Why not?: Brendan Frasier is famous for starring in B grade movies so this most probably will be a B grade movie.

Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li
(had bad reviews, didn't watch)

: Chun-Li is in the quest of his father's murderer by joining the interpol. And of course working her way up the criminal world she has to confront various criminals that features some of the other Street Fighter characters. Played by Kristin Kreuk, the star of Smallville.
Why yes?: Well, I love videogames. And Street Fighter was one of the first game I'm exposed too. And all time favourite fighting game of the world too. I'm also a big fan of Smallville. And Lana Lang @ Kristin Kreuk is in. I don't care is Chun-Li doesn't look chinese but Kristin Kreuk could just be the reason why I want to watch it
Why not?: This is a videogame movie. There hasn't been a single videogame movie that really settles as a real movie. And eventhough it's cool to have Kristin Kreuk as Chun-Li, there are more chinese hollywood actress out there they could choose.

(watched, 10/10!!!)

It all begins with the paranoid delusions of a half-insane hero called Rorschach. But is Rorschach really insane or has he in fact uncovered a plot to murder super-heroes and, even worse, millions of innocent civilians? On the run from the law, Rorschach reunites with his former teammates in a desperate attempt to save the world and their lives, but what they uncover will shock them to their very core and change the face of the planet! Following two generations of masked superheroes from the close of World War II to the icy shadow of the Cold War comes this groundbreaking comic story - the story of The Watchmen.
Why yes?: David Hayter is the writer of this movie. And it's deemed as one of the most accurate rewriting of the movie based on the comic so far.
Why not?: Well, my expectations might be too high and if the movie doesn't perform I wouldn't like it. Hopefully it doesn't. I've been waiting for this movie for a year.

Race to Witch Mountain
(no time, didn't watch)

For years, stories have circulated about a secret place in the middle of the Nevada desert, known for unexplained phenomena and strange sightings. It is called Witch Mountain, and when a Las Vegas cab driver (Dwayne Johnson) finds two teens with supernatural powers in his cab, he suddenly finds himself in the middle of an adventure he can't explain. When they discover that the only chance to save the world lies in unraveling the secrets of Witch Mountain, the race begins, as the government, mobsters and even extraterrestrials try to stop them. "Race to Witch Mountain" is a fun and thrilling adventure featuring incredible special effects.
Why yes?: I've always been fond of the movie played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. And it's a Disney movie too so it is usually interesting.
Why not?: The story might be not interesting and they're just looking for an excuse for action scenes.

Monsters Vs. Aliens

When California girl Susan Murphy is unexpectedly clobbered by a meteor full of outer space gunk, she mysteriously grows to 49-feet-11-inches tall and is instantly labeled a "monster" named Ginormica. The military jumps into action, and she is captured and held in a secret government compound. The world learns that the military has been quietly rounding up other monsters over the years. This ragtag group consists of the brilliant but insect-headed Dr. Cockroach, Ph.D.; the macho half-ape, half-fish The Missing Link; the gelatinous and indestructible B.O.B.; and the 350-foot grub called Insectosaurus. Their confinement time is cut short however, when a mysterious alien robot lands on Earth and begins storming the country.
Why yes?: Dreamworks so far has been prducing splendid animated movies and I haven't saw one that's not good one. An easy pick
Why not?: I have no idea why not. Maybe time constraint if it came. Or maybe even nobody to watch with.

Dragonball: Evolution
(bad reviews, didn't watch)

"Dragonball is adapted from the manga created by Akira Toriyama; the work was also turned into a Japanese anime series that played all over the world. It tells the story of an alien sent to destroy Earth, who has a change of heart and decides to join the humans in their fight against various aliens and bad guys. Justin Chatwin is starring as the hero Goku, while James Marsters will play the villain Piccolo in the sci-fi adventure.
Why yes?: Who does not know Dragonball? With over the top fighting and humor, this one gives me all the reason to watch it, solely based on the manga and anime.
Why not?: You have seen the trailers and screenshots haven't you? And we all aren't impressed with it and it wasn't what we were expecting to get. This movie almost is surely to suck and adding Evolution to the title is like adding an excuse for it when it doesn't make sense.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
(watched, 9/10)

Leading up to the events of "X-Men," "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" tells the story of Wolverine's epically violent and romantic past, his complex relationship with Victor Creed, and the ominous Weapon X program. Along the way, Wolverine encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends of the X-Men universe.
Why yes?: Undoubtedly, Wolverine is one of the more interesting character in X-Men. Regeneration and adamantium claws. What more can you ask for. And the trailer is pretty cool too that finally has Gambit in it!
Why not?: This may just be another X-Men movie if the focus wasn't given enough to Wolverine. Not that it will be bad, it will just be inappropriately titled.

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
(watched, 7/10)

In the sequel, the Museum of Natural History is closed down for upgrading and the exhibits are put into storage at the Federal Archives in Washington, D.C. Amy Adams will play an undetermined historical figure who has a crush on security guard Larry (Stiller).
Why yes?: I saw the original Night at the Museum and it was pretty fun. I kinda like Ben Stiller too.
Why not?: This might be too giberrish and plotless as they try to balance the actual story of Night at the Musem with the battle of the smithsonians.

Terminator Salvation
(had average reviews, maybe not)

In the highly anticipated new installment of "The Terminator" film franchise, set in post-apocalyptic 2018, Christian Bale stars as John Connor, the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But the future Connor was raised to believe in is altered in part by the appearance of Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington), a stranger whose last memory is of being on death row. Connor must decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future, or rescued from the past. As Skynet prepares its final onslaught, Connor and Marcus both embark on an odyssey that takes them into the heart of Skynet's operations, where they uncover the terrible secret behind the possible annihilation of mankind.
Why yes?: Christian Bale is The Terminator now taking over place of the Californian Governor. Terminator was a great movie back then and it will be great to see another one, especially how it will look without Schwarzenegger.
Why not?: Christian Bale may not be as good as a Terminator as Schwarzenegger was and the thing with sequel is, it usually doen't get any better.

Fast & Furious 4
(watched, 6.5/10)

Vin Diesel and Paul Walker reteam for the ultimate chapter of the franchise built on speed— "Fast & Furious." Heading back to the streets where it all began, they rejoin Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster to blast muscle, tuner and exotic cars across Los Angeles and floor through the Mexican desert in the new high-octane action-thriller.
Why yes?: I love cars. Especially those which are tuned. Which is what this movie contains. What else can I say? Owh and Vin Diesel & Paul Walker are both in this movie. That's going to be sweet.
Why not?: They have done tuned, drift, what else could there be? Muscles? I don't know what's in now. They might be doing some tunes that might not be interesting to me. Who knows. Let's just wait and see.

Trasformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

Continuation of war on Earth between two robotic clans, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, leaving the fate of mankind hanging in the balance.
Why yes?: The movie in 2007 left me hanging for more Transformers. With all of the Decepticons dead except for Starscream, it would be interesting to see how he comes up with further plans to get rid of the Autobots. I can expect more effects and more robotic brawls with the word awesome written all over it
Why not?: Well, you know how sequels tend to be less good than the original. Other than that I've practically no reason to not watch this.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My 3rd Semester Final Examination Results

I am not going to display it here because I'm too lazy to do so and it wasn't so good anyway. So if you want to know it, personally ask me about it. And if I feel like it, I'll tell you. And if you're really lucky, I'll be honest about my results :P All I can say is, it's above 3.0 and it's the lowest I've got so far. Not sure if I should blame myself but hey, who else is there to blame?

I think I want to blame my economics lecturer but everyone will say I'm this and that so... oh well. Whatever.

At least I didn't fail anything and therefore I'm still grateful.
All good things come from God, and all bad things come from yours truly.

Movies I'm interested to see in 2009

This is a long post. Take your time readers and feel free to comment! As long as you like.


Based on the anime of the same name. I didn't really read the manga or watch the anime but I know it's a big franchise and it has a big fan base. It would be interesting to see an anime being made into a movie.


Another movie based off an anime and this one is undobtly one of the biggest names in the anime world. It has Nicholas Cage in it. Wow. Well, big names need big actors I guess. As long as this doesn't suck I don't really mind if it's canon or not. Because I don't really follow the original work anyway :P


For all of you who knows about videogames and the history of it, the title would've ringed a bell. If you're not, Atari is one of the earlier consoles in the 80s that made mark in the videogame world. Would be interested to see what this story could be about. The main character is the leading actor in Titanic. Go figure.


OMG OMG OMG was the first reaction I had when I heard this movie was going to be released this year. Bioshock is a great game (although I haven't played it) and the story is very indulging as well. Steampunk all over Rapture City and Big Daddys and Little Sisters! Owh I just hope it doesn't suck like all most
videogame movies are.


Another movie based on the popular game by Konami. This one is written by the director of the Resident Evil movie trilogy which wasn't completely terrible. This could actually be quite a good movie.... IF Paul W. S. Anderson does right of course and doesn't stray too far from the canon since this one is quite mainstream.

Emily the Strange

Most people recognize it as a gothic fashion icon but how many of us actually knows that Emily is actually a comic by the Dark Horse comics? Yes it it people. Still untold whether it will be real life, animated, or even Tim Burton style stop motion, but when it does come out, it will be worth checking out for me.


Played by Gerald Butler who all of us know from the viral 300 movie by Zack Snyder. The movie about an online gamer in the future who gets stalked by millions. He's like "TeH 1337" so everybody wants to know about him in which he struggles to get his identity back. Hurm don't know what it will become but hey, it's Leonid... I mean Gerald Butler.

Gears of War

Another movie adaptation of the 360 hit. The storyline isn't nothing new really. Aliens tried to control earth and so on and so forth *cough*waroftheworlds*cough* The action should be pretty awesome too since that was what the game was about pure cover-shooting-headshot-saw action. and it's gritty as hell as well. The movie should be nothing less than an M rating. And yeah, Cliffy B., the creator of the game is going to be in this movie. Haha this should be fun and it sure will be in the GoW canon as the creator is in it. It better be. I'm dead serious.

Kane & Lynch

Based on a videogame by Eidos about an accused homocide suspect and a crazy dude. Don't really know about the game but from the reviews I saw it's all about story in this game. Not that the gameplay sucks but they were trying to focus on story. And the game was generous with it F bombs too. Hope this wouldn't go too far into the story that it became just another story about mentally sick homocidal peoples.

Lost Planet

A game by Capcom which was one of the release title for the 360. A very good game. Hopefully that will make it a good movie too. And this has a brighter hope to it as the writer of this movie is also the writer of X-men & Watchmen, just to name a few, and the voice of our beloved beloved beloved Naked Snake, Solid Snake, & Old Snake, David Hayter. Love this guy. He's got talent.




Based on a comic book by Frank Miller who is an infamous comic book writer, it's about a disgraced samurai fighting for his... well, grace. Nice idea but will it be a good execution? Frank Miller's comics are great and with the proper director and crews, this will be great.

Spy Hunter

Based on another game. This has already been filmed. In pre-productions and waiting to be released. Actor? The Rock. Should be a good one.
Another Paul W. S. Anderson work.


Who does not know this fighting franchise? By Namco. Hopefully this isn't another Street Fighter movie.

X-Men Origins: Magneto

Now, we know about the Wolverine origins is going to be out this year, but so does rumor says, Magneto. This would be very interesting. It's a big franchise. I don't think I have to explain much.

Wow I'm pathetic. Almost all of the movies I listed have something to do with videogames. Well, that's what I like. What to do. And I'm pretty sure not all of these will be released this year. Just take it as the movies I'm looking forward too; whenever it is that's going to be released.

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Driving Lesson: Part 3

My last official driving lesson before my JPJ test. Let's start with the fetching. I was supposed to be fetched at 1 pm but as usual I know it won't be punctual. Usually he's 15 minutes late so I waited. Now he's 30 minutes late. I'm getting pissed off. For your information, I don't like people who are not punctual. 5 minutes is still excusable but 10 minutes tops. I waited for him until I fell asleep on the stair of my house. He came an hour later at 2pm. Yup I waited for 60 minutes!! Curse you!!! I hate people wasting my time. He apologize because he's the one who read the schedule wrong. Well, there's nothing I can do to turn back time anyway. So he said insted of 1 to 5, it will be 2 to 6 today. Ok I'm cool. Stopped by the Imkeda branch near my house to pay for the rest of the lesson.

Drove myself heading to Imkeda but he said I should do Jalan 1 first which is the road around SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn. My engine stalled muliple times on the traffic light there which is a humiliation since I had no problems before. The instructor was laughing out loud beside me. After completing it, went to Imkeda and did all of the normal hill climbing, side parking and 3 point turns. A couple of engine stalls at the hill climb and no problems for the parking and turns. Went to Jalan 2 and my engine stubbornly stalls again for a few times! Why is this happening!! Don't have this problem before! And right after that, the instructor told me it's time for the pre-test. I was kinda nervous because for some reason I have been stalling engines.

For the pre-test, I was given the old Kancil. And personally I liked it better. The clutch was much shorter and the steering was easier to turn. The gears are much more softer too. The instructor told me those were new parts. Did Jalan 2 and that's all. My engined stalled again a couple of times. He said, 3 engine stalls during the JPJ test and I fail. Hopefully that doesn't happen. I passed this pre-test but hopefully I won't be stalling any engine during the real JPJ test. Did some more hills, parking and turns before going around Jalan 2 again before heading home.

On the way home, we suddenly started to talk about games! Now this is more like it! My pressure driving the car was gone! It was like I've been driving for years that I didn't even notice that I went over the speed limit. Talking about games are fun. It just is. Turns out he does play games and occasionally watches anime too. If only we talked about this earlier my diriving would have been a whole lot stress free.

The lesson today has been shortened to 3 hours and the extra 1 hour is brought forward for the last additional 2 hour lesson a day before the JPJ test so now it's 3 hours. Haven't set the date for my JPJ test since I had to look at my college's current semester schedule before I can make any appointments. I'm going to get the schedule on Wednesday together with my 3rd semester results.