Prior to watching this movie, I have been trying to catch up with the graphic novel which consists of 12 issue of graphic goodness by Alan Moore. It is one of the most celebrated comic book of all times and the only comic book to have made it in the Times Magazine 100 Best Book of All Time. Sadly I have only read up to book 4 to the day of the movie. I went with someone else to Seremban's Terminal 1. The movie was 6pm and my last class was supposed to end at 4.30pm. Luckily my class ends at 4pm and I called a right away which arrived around 15 minutes after which is still late considering I have a train to catch which is usually also late and someone to meet to tag along which will also cost valuable time. Thankfully by the time I got on the train, so does someone arrive at the station. By the time we got to Seremban, it was already 5.40pm. Got to the cinema, bought our ticket, and we had 10 minutes to spare. As usual I buy some popcorn and coke. The movie started as soon as we got the seat. Well, what can I say, one of my most anticipated movie of this year. And just like in the book, The Comedian gets murdered initially, which the story revolves around who did it. Watchmen are a group of people in costumes that controls the peace of New York City having that it had no police. The story is about the second generation of Watchmens which the first generation is known as the Minutemen. Some of the the Watchmens are continuation from the previous Minutemen bearing the the initials "II" which is two in roman characters in thier name. The rest of story is very complicated yet very rewarding if you really get a hold of it. I recommend you to read the book first before watching the movie as it will leave you jaw dropping to the floor with how much similarity it had with the book. Even if you haven't read the book, just go see it for a great cinema experience. The story unfolds very neatly and sticks very nearly to the book. Almost everything about the book is portrayed in this movie except for some smaller scenes and the ending of the movie was changed too but that just gives you the reason to experience both the book and the movie. All and all, I really have nothing to say about the movie aside that although it was 2 hours and 30 minutes long, there wasn't a single dull moment. The highest recommendation for this movie from me. If you have the time, go see it. Don't think twice.
Keep in mind that the comic book was more than a decade ago and it was told by many comic experts as a comic that is impossible to be filmed. Zack Snyder hit the homerun. Also thanks to David Hayter (voice of Solid Snake!!!) and another guy for making this movie on the dot. And just for fun, I want to show you some similarities from the comic to the screen. And these are just from the final trailer, not the whole movie. The movie is like a Deja Vu if you've read the comic. But a good Deja Vu of course.

For more small details and similarity of the movie go to the official website of the studio here or some other guy's research here.
Oh for the rating, I'll give it a full 10/10.
5 things were said:
wau!seriusly u mmg minat giler2 citer ni dr sggup bc komik die n everything.
actually i pun dah tgk movie ni.i rs ok gak.n maybe kalu i bc novel die mgkn i jd giler suke tgk kot.
credit utk u sbb u persamaan ni sume .
but satu je i tak phm,knape satu watak die mesti kene x pakai bj?ahahah
haha the best comic of all time deserve to be read by me la. huhu. you should read it. actually, i have it. nak mintak la. haha senang je nak nampak similarity dia. dr manhattan tu? dia lps dah kene rearrange molecule dia dah tak tau malu dah. huhu.
wow gila semangat kau!
aku baca pun terbaik dari ladang la.
hahahahahaha xD
urgh kau buat aku nak baca komik dia la.
and plus aku memang nak tengok balik cerita ni sebab best ^_^
nak tgk lg sekali?! wah farha youre my friend lah! mmg movie ni bombastic weh! aku pun kalau ade peluang nak tgk lg sekali. hehehe. 2 hour 30 minutes of goodness. hehe.
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