
Monday, March 23, 2009

My Driving Lesson: Part 4

This event happened on a Monday of no particular holiday, which means I had to skip classes no choice. Why I did so? Well, my driving school here only has JPJ tests on Wednesday. And prior to the test day, they provide you with a final lesson before the actual test day which will determine whether you fail or pass. I think a lot of other driving school does this but which one I do not know.

So, because I had to skip class for Monday of March 23 and Wednesday of March 25, I've written a special leave letter to my lecturers pledging that my attendence will be registered as absent with reasons instead of just absent. At the time of writing I haven't submitted the letter but I have attained the initials from the driving school to prove that I really do have lessons on that day. I was planning to leave college for home at 8 in the morning because of my intelligence of not resetting the clock after the Subuh prayers, I woke up by myself at quarter before 10. The lesson starts at 1pm actually but the reason I wanted to get home early is so that I can do my laundry earlier and have some time to relax thus not rushing for the lesson. Now because I'm late, I can't really take my time doing things. As soon as I arrive in my neighbourhood, I walked straight to the driving centre branch to get their initials. Got home, warmed up my lunch, get my laundry done, had lunch, had dessert (a slice of Choc Indulgence which happen to be in the fridge) and right after I finish hanging my laundry, the instructor came.

My usual instructor can't make it today, so I had a lady instructor. I don't want a lady instructor. Not that I like men, I just wanted my first driving experience with a lady is not with an instructor. Maybe someone special. Hehe. Well I'm being honest la kan ape salahnye. And the usual cycle of the part 1 technical driving and part 2 on road repeats. Nothing really interesting today. I had less engine stalls. Getting pretty confident now. The only problem today was it was blazing hot. I could barely stand it. Added with the fact I cannot switch on the air-conditioner during technical driving to stabilize the engine didn't make it easier. 3 hours of training today. Drove home.

My real JPJ test will be on this coming Wednesday (March 25). Again I would have to skip class and from what I've heard, I'll have to wait for my turn to take the test. Urgh. I don't like waiting. But most importantly, I have to pass and get my license. Wish me luck.

I wish THIS is my first car...

2 things were said:

Anonymous said...

releks relekss..skali skale pntg klas..heheh
syok x??ahhaah
choc indulgence?best nyer!
i wish u will pass the driving test!!gud luck!!!

Rayza Ridzuan said...

ponteng best la tp tertinggal blaja yg tak best tu. huhu. ye mmg best choc indulgence tu. nak ke? sori dah habis. yes thanks for the wish. i have to pass.