
Based on the anime of the same name. I didn't really read the manga or watch the anime but I know it's a big franchise and it has a big fan base. It would be interesting to see an anime being made into a movie.

Another movie based off an anime and this one is undobtly one of the biggest names in the anime world. It has Nicholas Cage in it. Wow. Well, big names need big actors I guess. As long as this doesn't suck I don't really mind if it's canon or not. Because I don't really follow the original work anyway :P

For all of you who knows about videogames and the history of it, the title would've ringed a bell. If you're not, Atari is one of the earlier consoles in the 80s that made mark in the videogame world. Would be interested to see what this story could be about. The main character is the leading actor in Titanic. Go figure.

OMG OMG OMG was the first reaction I had when I heard this movie was going to be released this year. Bioshock is a great game (although I haven't played it) and the story is very indulging as well. Steampunk all over Rapture City and Big Daddys and Little Sisters! Owh I just hope it doesn't suck like

Another movie based on the popular game by Konami. This one is written by the director of the Resident Evil movie trilogy which wasn't completely terrible. This could actually be quite a good movie.... IF Paul W. S. Anderson does right of course and doesn't stray too far from the canon since this one is quite mainstream.
Emily the Strange

Most people recognize it as a gothic fashion icon but how many of us actually knows that Emily is actually a comic by the Dark Horse comics? Yes it it people. Still untold whether it will be real life, animated, or even Tim Burton style stop motion, but when it does come out, it will be worth checking out for me.

Played by Gerald Butler who all of us know from the viral 300 movie by Zack Snyder. The movie about an online gamer in the future who gets stalked by millions. He's like "TeH 1337" so everybody wants to know about him in which he struggles to get his identity back. Hurm don't know what it will become but hey, it's Leonid... I mean Gerald Butler.
Gears of War

Another movie adaptation of the 360 hit. The storyline isn't nothing new really. Aliens tried to control earth and so on and so forth *cough*waroftheworlds*cough* The action should be pretty awesome too since that was what the game was about pure cover-shooting-headshot-saw action. and it's gritty as hell as well. The movie should be nothing less than an M rating. And yeah, Cliffy B., the creator of the game is going to be in this movie. Haha this should be fun and it sure will be in the GoW canon as the creator is in it. It better be. I'm dead serious.
Kane & Lynch

Based on a videogame by Eidos about an accused homocide suspect and a crazy dude. Don't really know about the game but from the reviews I saw it's all about story in this game. Not that the gameplay sucks but they were trying to focus on story. And the game was generous with it F bombs too. Hope this wouldn't go too far into the story that it became just another story about mentally sick homocidal peoples.
Lost Planet

A game by Capcom which was one of the release title for the 360. A very good game. Hopefully that will make it a good movie too. And this has a brighter hope to it as the writer of this movie is also the writer of X-men & Watchmen, just to name a few, and the voice of our beloved beloved beloved Naked Snake, Solid Snake, & Old Snake, David Hayter. Love this guy. He's got talent.


Based on a comic book by Frank Miller who is an infamous comic book writer, it's about a disgraced samurai fighting for his... well, grace. Nice idea but will it be a good execution? Frank Miller's comics are great and with the proper director and crews, this will be great.
Spy Hunter

Based on another game. This has already been filmed. In pre-productions and waiting to be released. Actor? The Rock. Should be a good one. Another Paul W. S. Anderson work.

Who does not know this fighting franchise? By Namco. Hopefully this isn't another Street Fighter movie.
X-Men Origins: Magneto
Now, we know about the Wolverine origins is going to be out this year, but so does rumor says, Magneto. This would be very interesting. It's a big franchise. I don't think I have to explain much.
Wow I'm pathetic. Almost all of the movies I listed have something to do with videogames. Well, that's what I like. What to do. And I'm pretty sure not all of these will be released this year. Just take it as the movies I'm looking forward too; whenever it is that's going to be released.
5 things were said:
sume pun pasal games je? ni rasa mcm nak bakar je blog kau nih. menci.
aku nye blog aku nye suke ah! kau nih.
btol rayza. keep up the good work! hahaha.
sume bes2 doh! especially that mgs. dem!
byk nyer psl game!!!waduh waduh!
tapi tak kesah laa..
janji anda berbhagie!
ye btol! sratus markah!
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