My holiday has started a week ago. Until now I have no plans of going out or anything. I have been staying at home doing nothing. Well, actually I have been playing games and get online due to the lack of activities. Hehe. Still it's very boring to do those things all the time and I really want a breath of fresh air. My headaches are still there as usual. Nothing I can do about it I guess. I'm getting fatter. Yeah. Believe it. Somehow I am getting fatter. Need to lose weight. My college life is very depressing. Very very depressing. For combination of things. I want to take this holiday as an oppoturnity to destress. Before I start a whole new semester of more pressure and tension. My semester break, all of them, has also been shortened to around 2 weeks to save time and cost. Therefore I'm the one who among my friends the last to start my holiday but the first to end it. Humph. Guess there's no time to lose then.
P/S: Probably going to PC Fair in December. Anybody wanna tag along?
Yearly Tai Sui Field Of Feng Shui
6 years ago