
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Don't blame videogames

The article

I saw an article in Harian Metro today and I know I just have to say something about it. It just infuriates me. I thought it was just gonna be another Saturday for me this article is pretty much a flamebait to yours truly.

The front page of Harian Metro today(31st January 2009), is titled, Video games lucah kegilaan budak-budak 7 dosa RM5 (Pornographic video games a hit among childrens 7 Sins RM5). As you all know I'm a gamer and to be seeing such news to published and sold to the masses made me think about the reaction the public will be giving towards videogames that does NOT contain any sexual content. And this was the front page so they are trying to really highlight this thing today. Let's see the title. Wait, video games? Video games??!! It's spelled videogames and minus the 's' if it's a singular.

The game that they're highlighting to contain pornographic material are 7 Sins (thus the headline), Playboy Mansion & The Guy Game. Yes, I wouldn't deny it does contain adult material that wasn't meant for younger audiences. But have you ever heard of ratings? Do you ever notice the little letters below the cover of the game and even for once give a damn what it means? Now, the case as reported in this article talks about kids from primary school which are aged 7 to 12. That means games that are suitable for them would be rated from [E] which stands for Everyone and [E10+] which means Everyone over 10 years old. The ratings are self explenatory but have anyone in Malaysia ever care? Have any parents actually take the time to look at such things before buying such things? Why would you blame the games that you buy for your children that is clearly not meant for your child? And another feud with pirated games in Malaysia is they tend to put and [E] rating for all of their games. That's another problem, but that's where you common sense kicks in. Ever heard of that? Common sense? Looking at the cover of the games and reading the slight description at the back will give you a great idea of what the contecnt of the game will be. Heck even the title could help a lot! For example, 7 Sins. If you are a wary parent and actually know what are the 7 sins in life, you should have known straight away that this game isn't meant for your child (or childish adults). In that case don't buy it! If game ratings were followed thoroughly at the first place and the audience playing it is observed at the first place it this wouldn't be a problem. But in Malaysia, censorship is nothing until something messed up. Do you really see parents restricting their child from watching any 18+ shows on TV? I don't think so. Ok so this problem is not limited only to Malaysia but if you're a good parent and have taught your child why is this wrong and such they would develop a sense of self understanding why this and that. And answer your child if they ask you such questions don't evade it. Be responsible.

Ok back on the article. How come it's now that this thing is brought up? All of the 3 games were released at around the same year if I'm not mistaken which is around 2005. It took them 3 years to see this? You know if this is purely wrong at the first place it would've been banned before it even enters the country. Take for example, Singapore bans Saints Row from being sold for their adult content. So at least they're wary of the hazards earlier but later pulling the ban wagon for reasons I do not know. Oh wait, there are nobody that monitors games in Malaysia. In Malaysia, games aren't being monitored at all. Even if they're the fact billion dollars worth of industry. And I want to quote what's being written by the writer here,"Wartawan Harian Metro yang mencuba ketiga-tiga permainan itu mendapati ia tidak sesuai memasuki pasaran negara ini." Owh so now there are actually someone who controls what games goes in what games goes out of the country? You mean there's actually someone official monitoring what kind of games can be pirated and sold and what games can't? Aaargh I just feel like screaming the heck out of my lungs! Another quote,"Ketiadaan undang-undang khas membendung penjualan dan pengedaran permainan jenis itu membuatkan ia seolah-olah halal dimainkan oleh golongan muda" Owo so now you notice? Only when the games started to spoil people that you want to give your 2 cents about it? How about games as another entertainment industry in Malaysia? We may not be making any videogames anytime soon (although there are actually a few videogame studios in Malaysia) videogames should be stopped taken as a child's play because not all games are meant for them. And don't blame the games for the children being morally worse. Why not blame parental skills? Videogames are just one of the many media that contains negative things but stop saying as if they were the root of evil. It just disgusts me.

Maybe someone from KPDNHEM should consider starting to place videogames on the map in Malaysia. It's not like we won't buy original if it was accessible and easy to find. We wil be saving a whole lot of money if it was locally published too. The problem is original console games costs an arm and a leg. PC Games had a better future in Malaysia though. Although it's still costs a lot and isn't something that we can afford but at least there's a pace. Like it or not, videogames is part of the entertainment in Malaysia although it is dominated by pirated games. Do something. I'm a gamer and I'm sad seeing all the beating received by the games industry. They should be receiving just as much kudos as they received as much thumbs down.

I could go on forverer on this. I think I'll stop here. I'll write more about it later. I'm on a solitary crusade to save videogames. I wouldn't be angered and sadden if the people in Malaysia just react to such problems with better approach rather than just flaming games. Parents do your part. Don't prevent your child form playing videogames if that's their hobby but just keep a close eye on them. But with the current mindset of people, the future of videogames in Malaysia is dim.

Thanks for reading my opinion.

7 things were said:

ryhaann said...

i think the authority in malaysia has a standard mentality.
anything that could influence Malaysians, should be banned since Malaysians are stupid enough to think for themselves. they need authorities to think for them and the authority takes the simplest thing by banning everything "bad" so that they will not be blamed for.

Rayza Ridzuan said...

pastu konon vigilante against videogames as the devil in disguise. OMG nobody says that to videogames! argh bengang je aku.

anas said...

yes! this one is so so so agreed.

aku sokong kau rayza!

Rayza Ridzuan said...

thanks anas! ade jugak org paham maksud aku!

Anonymous said...

diorg mmg mcm tuh..tatau nak wat ape dah..huhu

Rayza Ridzuan said...

sape yg mcm tu? takkan nak pasif je kot.

Anonymous said...

PROTIP: no one reads Harian Metro, but you just can't avoid flipping through one for the lulz.