Geez, Square-Enix. They're famous for Final Fantasy just as they're famous for delays. Final Fantasy XIII will be out in 2009 but exclusively for Japan. English version will be 2010. Meh. Just like FFXII the English version was like over half a year after that. I hate it when some of my "friends" got the import version and then tell you about "ouh i gotz here and pwn thm all!! lolol" when they've played the import version. This goes for all games Japanese in which the English release will most of the time be delayed for some reason. This happens all the time with Naruto & Bleach games. Sure there are more titles. Owh yeah Gundam too. Man. It'll be great if I know Japanese or at least understand some of it. And it's typical for a gamer to say that Japanese is the 2nd most important language to know after English XD
Owh yeah of course. Dissidia! Man the English version has been slated to mid of this year. Urgh. Wanted to play it so badly. Placing FF characters against each other in a game was just our wildest dream. Now it's a reality! But the Cloud Strife in this game is the Soldier Cloud, not the AC Cloud. Nevermind he's still epic. Squall Leonhart of better known as Leon by KH fans receives a fashion update. Villains are also included. And for some reason the vids I've been watching for this game places emphasis on Squall vs Sephiroth. Or is that just me? Hurm nevermind. I have a lot of great western games to fill my time with and my wishlist have been filld with games that got awards. Left 4 Dead is a blast. Simplistic and straight forward at best but it's one heck of an exciting game to play. Especially if you have friends to play with. Friends who don't suck in FPS. There's this little game that won several game of the year awards that I have been very interested to get my hands on. Hint: GTAIV. I wonder if there's anyone who will get me the game :P but be aware though "that game" comes in 3 DVD so the price would be more than usual. Hehe.
And here's a little pic I found. Well its a few months old already but if you still haven't saw it, well behold:
HAHA look at me ranting about FFXIII and Dissidia. AS IF I own either of those consoles. Haha!
things were said:
waduh!waduh!!sungguh dahsyat pengetahuan anda terhadap games ini..dashyat!!saye tabik anda!!cayalah!!!
7 things were said:
waduh!waduh!!sungguh dahsyat pengetahuan anda terhadap games ini..dashyat!!saye tabik anda!!cayalah!!!
aku dah men Dissidia!
biarpun jepun tp aku tetap berpuas hati biler cloud wat cross-slash
alyaa- haha ni baru tip of the iceberg nih. hehe
zafree - aah aku nak main gak tp nanti pegi shop aku tapaham menu dia. huhu. hadui.
hah! maen gta 4 ko smpai abes dlu!
ay ay kepten.
you guys are so into this things up to an extent that i couldnt understand even a single word here.
ni blom pape lg la.
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