We left home on the early noon of last Saturday, packing for just 2 days and 1 night since that's how long we're going to be there. We got straight to Malacca without any stops on the highway. When we got in the city, we went hunting for a place to have lunch. While looking, I found this interesting road name.
but anyways, we didn't take our lunch at Tesco, we went here instead.
and saw a low self-esteem water fountain
and a shop with a sarcastic tagline
anyways, we had our lunch in the food court in there and it took me over an hour to wait for my food! I was starving and that made me a little grumpy. Look at my grumpy face. Well, just a little.

All I ordered was fried rice with omelete. How difficult can that be. After lunch we went around the surrounding areas of A'Famosa to look around the historical monuments and stuffs that Malacca is famous for. There were the trishaws, souvenir shops and all.

Luke, he's not your father.

Mcm budak2
I also climbed the stairs to the St. Paul's church. Which is on the hill behind the A'Famosa if any of you are wondering. The steps were pretty steep too. Here's the view from up there.
And here's what the St. Paul's church look like from a perspective :P
After the long ascend, it's time for the long descend. Phew haven't had this kinda of exercise in a while now!

In front of the historical A'Famosa

Strolled inside the Dataran Pahlawan for a while when I stumbled upon this on a tourist guide to Malaysia interactive panel. They spelled my name wrong! But it's close enough. Yeah, some people have public phones and nasyid groups, I have an interactive panel! How cool is that?
After all that, we got to our place that we're supposed to spend the night in. It's no hotel, just a service apartment. Better than nothing. Had some fun at the apartment's swimming pool. I don't really enjoy swimming actually but it's not like I have anything better to do.
After the swim, we got ready for dinner at a seafood restaurant famous in Malacca placed in Pernu-Umbai. The place was full of people! All of them tourists of course. Luckily we got a seat. Ordered quite a number of dishes but since there were 8 of us, it didn't take long to finish them all.
After the dinner, we walked around the jetty for a while and then got to the the city of Malacca for more sight seeing.

Went back to our place and called it a day.
The next day, the rear left tire of the car was flat. It was caused by a tear on the tyre. So we had to change it of course. Not like we have any choice. So of course this is a mens job. Me and my father changed the tyre.
After that is done, we went to McD for breakfast. It has been a while since I had breakfast in Mcdonald's. Had Big Breakfast. Oh yeah, on the way there, I found this hillarious stall sign.
And this would be my breakfast
Walked around Dataran Pahlawan again and I bought a book. It was titled "Across the Nightingale Floor" by Lian Hearn. It was used book. I'm not much of a reader but his book seems interesting. I'm giving it a try. Soon, it is past noon and it's now time for lunch. Since Malacca is famous for it's Asam Pedas, we stopped by a food court that has Asam Pedas. I don't eat 'em but my grandma and my parents does.
After lunch, we head for Ayer Keroh since my youngest sister has been wanting to get on a cow cart since we got to Malacca. It was a scorching noon. And maybe that made the smell of the cow even stronger. I don't know. But we got on one. And cows, as naturally as they are, stinks. Anyway, it was a great experience and it would be fun to ride on one with close peoples.
And after the cow cart ride, we strolled around some stalls again. Just like we did in Dataran Pahlawan and in front of Mahkota Parade earlier today. Man this is tiring!

We're heading for home at last!!!! Can't wait to get home. I'm spent. Just when I thought everything's gonna be alright, traffic jam!!! From Dengkil exit until Nilai exit! That is like around 70km of traffic jam! Aargh!
That is a long line. So in order to evade this traffic jam, my father thought he could cut through the LEKAS highway that connects Kuala Pilah with Kajang. I told him that the highway isn't finished but he insisted. Oh well...
And the highway is NOT completed!! But refusing to turn back due to massive traffic jam even in village roads, we went on. We cut through some waterfalls, Kuala Pilah, Tampin, etc etc!!! We were wandering aimlessly for over 4 hours!!! OMG!!! I pity my grandma behind. We had to get lost when she's with us. Of course she's physically exhausted. We got back at the highway at last... BACK IN MALACCA!!! Through the bad conditioned village roads!!! That's a lesson we're not going to forget anytime soon. And owh yeah my phone's battery has been dead since in the jam. Sorry to those people who wasn't able to reach me. After we got away from those intimidating village roads, we thought the traffic jam are over. But we thought wrong...
Wow this is crazy. But it better than being lost in nowhere. We were stuck in the jam until well over 10pm. For about 2 hours I guess. Stopped by Seremban to strecth oursleves and get some refreshment. Sent my grandma home before going back to Kajang. Got our dinner (and supper) at Prima Saujana. Got home and responded to everyone that wasn't able to reach me earlier.
It wasn't a bad trip actually but the part where we got lost for over 5 hours spoilt everything for me. Nevermind. At least I got some holiday. I'm bak at college. Can't wait for the next holiday :P
P/S: I have also attempted on photography while I'm here. Checkout my MySpace photo album and leave some comments!
12 things were said:
hahah. first time kulihat rayza sungguh seronok!
kenapakah itu?
huh ye ke? gambar yg mane kau tgk aku seronok? haiya kumen la pjg2 penat woo aku tulih pjg giler nih. hehe.
i'm so jealous with u!!u got the chance to go for a vacation!!i had to sit at home and be a surirumah sepenuh ms jerk..huhu
it's not fair!!!
but i'm happy coz u're happy!
oowhh anak manje nenek rupernyer..ahahaa
hurm.the name of the road looks quite interesting..hurmm
this was the 1st tyme i saw it..uhu
ahah..i think there's a truth behind that tagline..hehe
just kidding..
in that pic.u really look chubby..but don't worry just chubby not fat.
is it true that u can pull the train?hurmm.i'm wondering..hehe
this is the 1st tyme i see u pose in the picture lyke that..cute!
ahha..i think i know who did u mean about the public phone and the nasyid group..hehhe
melaka really looks nice at night,,the lights at those stuff..
i'm so proud that u're the person who changed the tyre~hidup RAYZA!!
nyum!nyum!asam pedas!nak sikit!!
IMPORTANTE:don't ever go for a holiday when it is on festive season!ahhaha
jd surirumah la best! dpt timba pengalaman utk lps kawen nanti. hehe. happy because of me? haha that's cute thanks. haah cucu manje nih. haha tu la jln tu name dia cam pelik skit. yg tagline tu rasenye mesti marketing manager dia pompuan kan? haha! chubby ke? aiya tak suke la. eh tipu je mane larat tarik ketapi tu sebenarnye. org yg demam pun lebih kuat lg dr I nih sbb org demam tu bleh bukak tutup btol I takleh. hehe. owh haha tu pun mmg first time la posing cam org gile camtu. malu je rasenye. huhu. haah melaka mmg lawa skrg ade mcm2 improvement. tukar tayar pun nak bangga? haha lawak la you ni. asam pedas? you reti masak tak? leh gak rase. hehe.
P/S: ye btol! tp takkan nak pegi mase sekolah lak haha!
eleh timba awl1 wat pe.huhu
eleh nak tuduh2 perempuan lak!mane acii!!
ntah lelaki gak!ta baek tuduh2 perempuan!ahhaha
eh org kate kan melentur buluh biar dr rebung. takkan dah kawen ade anak baru sibuk2 nak ulangkaji matapelajaran ekonomi rumah tangga kot? haha! yg tagline tu ntah la. pape ntah.
eleh dengki ah tu dgn tagline tuh..
ok fine.
lah. ni ruang komen ke ruang berdebat aku pun tatau.
neway ray, kau howt! hahaha :D
ruangan bersuare la. hehe. haiya pendek nye komen kau komen la pjg2 penat gile aku tulih. huhu.
mane besH bwat pnjg2.
make it simple!
live ur life to the max. FLYFM
p/s: actly aku xtau pn mne gmba ko happy. hahaha. maen ckp je :P
ala sekali sekala pjg2 takpe la. korang bace la kesian aku penat2 tulis. huhu.
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