As appointed, I am to be fetched from my house at 2pm. But this is Malaysia so punctuality is just a concept. Anyway, the instructor came about 15 minutes past 2pm. It's ok because I was on the phone anyway. So he came with a Perodua Kancil (whaddya expect? Renault Clio V6?) and not being a mute or deaf person, I talked with him of course. First of all, I was glad that my instructor was a male because I don't feel comfortable sitting beside a lady, and it was a small car that our elbows touched a few times. Told him this and that, blablabla...
And not long after, I got to Imkeda, where I'm taking my license of course. As soon as we arrive he asked me to take the wheel and so I did. What happen on the few first tries? The engine stalls and die and it was shaking like it was earthquake but of course, as a normal human being that is still learning, mistakes are part of the process of learning. But after about 5 minutes I understood the use of the clutch and the 1st gear and could already drive with only the clutch pressed and the 1st gear. Right after that, I learned how to climb a hill. Engine died only a couple of time before I got it.
After that, the instructor brought me to a shop area in Bandar Tun Hussein Onn to practice on gear changing and speed bumps. The usual engine stall, and quakes but after 20 minutes being around, I got used to it. There was this particular rich dude driving an SLK 350 that I almost hit as he turned to enter a parking without signalling first. What a dumb guy. Can't you see the freaking L on the windscreen or are you illiterate? Right after that, he asked me to drive back to the center myself. I was sceptical at first but as I calmed myslef down, it wasn't as difficult.
Back at Imkeda, he stopped for some evening drinks but I had none. I wasn't that hungry. Continued the lesson with on the hill stop, side parking and 3 point turns. All of them wasn't very difficult I think. Well at least to me. Made some mistakes at the hill but for parking and 3 pointers, there wasn't any problem. Circled the place a few more times before I was asked by the instructor to drive home! Through the highway! At first, again I was unsure but after a while, I got used to it. Almost ran over a motorcyclist who didn't obey the red light. Imbecile. but aside from the 2 close calls I had today, everything else was smooth.
My next lesson will be on the 26th of this month, which, at the time of writing, this Thursday. I'm going to kick back and relax tomorrow. Driving is fun I guess. But I really can't say anything for sure.

5 things were said:
yeah driving is fun at first. bila lama lama there will be a day that u rasa malas sangat nak drive.
it can be very tiring at times.
mati enjin itu normal..ehhee
sgt terlampau normal..tapi driving mmg syok..tapi dah lupe camne nak drive!!ahhahha
tapi dr gaye blog ni mmg nampk mcm syok drive!!
blaja drive baek2 tau!!
farha - yup i know. tp tu la kite cuba spice up our driving la supaye tak boring. sbg contoh harini bwk kereta cam biase, esok bwk secara gostan lak. haha gurau gurau.
alyaa - manader normal la. dah terer tade la mati enjin dah. ni misti tak terer ni. hehe. boleh la drive jugak. takleh berlagak lg sbb baru belajar je. bak kate pepatah melayu, amek galah tolong jolokkan! haha!
eh2 rayza. yg ni apsl aku pnye bukak jadi font webdings? ko mmg bwat cmtu ke aku pnye laptop problem ni?
sape suwoh kau pakai chrome. IE pun camni gak. firefox FTW!
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