This time, I was asked to drive the car straight from my house to the centre. No problem I guess. Got there and did was I did yesterday, nothing new. Still having a few engine stalls but not as frequent anymore. Did all of the stock hill stop, side parking and 3 pointer turn. Still some mistakes at the hill but the parking and 3 pointer turns, I had no problem. The instructor spent his time talking about stuffs such as, he likes to do this thing because he get to look at girls, asking me not to stall the engine in front of girls and so on and so forth. I just sat there and laughed uninitiatively.
Went around the highway a couple of more times, which is known as Jalan 2 and went around SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn which is known as Jalan 1. Drive here drive there no problem. My problem was, I sometimes forget to flick the signal, in which the marking criteria writes as instant failure. Wow. I need to pay attention. Come on Rayza you can do it!!!
After all of that same thing over and over again, I was asked to drive home again. No problem. Got home safely. My next lesson will be on the 1st of March which, at the time of writing, is 4 days away. I will also be having my pre-test on that day. Hopefully I don't do any silly mistakes and most importantly, I won't mess up. Wish me luck everyone. It will help.
P/S: My lucky ring helps me a lot when I'm driving I guess

7 things were said:
driving school instructor are well-known for 'pervert'ish talks..
haha..mmg mase mule2 agak borink n kalu bwk mase L mmg byk road bully!
anas - agak nye la. ye la ape lg diorang nak wat kan? abeh instructor pompuan camne lak? huhu.
alyaa - takde la boring sgt sbb mase mule2 driving kepala pikir tiga2 pedal tu je. pastu road bully tu takyah citer la. mmg bersepah. leh kate hampir sume org road bully kat jalan raya tuh. huhu.
bagus aa ko bawak xde masalah
aku bnyk kali gak aa mati enjin dlu
hahaha u belajar kat imkeda batu 9 cheras yea? i pun dulu belajar situ! masa test i dapat jalan 1! lega wohh dapat highway, takde la cuak sangat. and yes the male instructor sangat gatal.
good luck :D
thanks for the wish!!!
so cam mne skrg... already dapt lesen lum nie... rasenye kat blog bro baru2 nie ade entry untuk sesiapa yang nk amik lesen..kot2 rajin belek la ek
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