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It was another Thursday morning when I woke up. At noon I suddenly got a call from Shaizuan my college mate. He invited me to tag along to go around Sunway Pyramid for fun with him and Anas. I, having nothing better to do agreed on their invitation. Anas came almost an hour after that to fetch me and we went to Uan's house first before proceeding to Sunway Pyramid for the Zuhur prayers. After fetching Uan's UniTen friend named Fikri if I'm not mistaken (correct me if I had his name wrong) we head for Sunway Pyramid. First up on the menu is looking for a place to eat. Waffle World was the first suggestion but we went to Carl's Jr. which is a suggestion by Uan. And since I've never been there at the first place, I thought why not, though I know the price there is not as average as many other popular fast food restaurants. So nevermind that. Had our lunch and it was very filling indeed. The burger is as big as it says and that really suits my appetite. Hehe. Some of us even have difficulty finishing them. But I finished my food as usual sbb tak baik membazir kawan setan.
Whaddya mean it's gonna get messy? That's like something straight out of a mob movie! Or maybe they meant it's going to mess my cholestrol level? I dunno. But it's as filling as it is expensive
After that we went around tanpa hala tuju window shopping konon2 mcm terer shopping la to look around many interesting clothes dan berasa tertekan sbb sumer mende tak mampu nak beli with great deals. Oh well it wasn't the sale season anyway. Soon after lps diriku bosan sbb tak reti window shopping that, I suggested that we go play bowling. When we got there and looked at he price table, it was RM 8 per game which is mighty expensive dah rase menyesal lak cadang td but there is actually a student rate which is RM 3.5 per game. Now we're talking! And luckily all 4 of us brought our student ID and got those special rates. We played for 2 games. Out of the 4 people, I got 2nd for the first game and downright last ye la sbb dah lame tak main(alasan!). After the game, we got hungry again. Well, not REALLY hungry but there's now space for more food. Went to Waffle World as I suggested earlier. Running under a budget, we decided to share our food. 2 sets of food shared among 4 people. I shared with Anas and Uan shared with Fikri. We had waffle and drinks.
The bill that was splitted equally among me & Anas. Yup, wherever you go, there will be tax, whether it's govt. or service, you will get tax'd somehow
After the meal, time to go home for me. Since I'm not getting sent home as I was fetched when I came, I had to make my way by myself back home. I was worried about the crowd sbb nanti ade byk variasi bau badan because it is peak hours but I was lucky that there's not as many people as I thought. I even got a seat on the bus. Took the bus to Mid Valley to catch a Commuter to Kajang which is, by the way, the fastest way to go. As usual the train gets delayed for some unannounced problem but it got there on the next schedule. Again I was afraid of the crowd mengalahkan kapal angkut pendatang haram but luckily it was also not as full. Had to stand but it's no big deal. At least I don't have to be in a crowd dan bertukar-tukar bau antara satu sama lain and after a few stations I even got a seat. Got home before 9.30pm. What a day.
P/S: sorry Raihan aku pakai style strikeout kau tanpe kebenaran kau. harap2 tiada sebarang saman terhadap pembayaran royalti
10 things were said:
patoot pun rs mcm penah nampak style btol jln2!!
ahah.bguslah kalu x membazir..bkn mcm ader sstgh org tuh..
kenape payment tu dicensored kan?klakar lak.
nape tulisan tu?sj bwat gitu ke?
bestnyer maen bowling!!
ape2pun mmg syiokla dpt jln2~walaupun dpt free smell other's bo..ahah
plagiarism la best! tp ni ade reference so tak kire plagiarism la. mmg la mkn kene habes. sape yg mkn tak abes tu meh sini nak kene sekeh skit. payment censored sbb saje je tamau org tau pakai duit baper nak bayar bil2 tu. hehe. haha best la kene gelak mase main bowling. eh manade dpt bau bdn org lain. kalau sesak je ade bau. yg ni tak sesak so tade la.
yay! aku menang 2nd game bowling. hahahahaha
damn you ray! MY style of writing!!!
anas - okeh dah betulkan! ye la aku main utk suke2 je kalau main menang sume tp tak gembire tak gune gak kan?
raihan - hah aku dah ciplak style tulis kau baru nak komen blog aku.
hahaha hari yang korang keluar ni sama hari dengan aku keluar jugak cuma aku gi ou tgk movie and makan kat waffle world jugak!
alaa anas 2...
klo aku ade mmg dy kalah tanpe btanding la...
orang femes mmg slalu org laen dengki.
its ok.
i understand B)
hahaha anas white flag so dia hanya mampu B jea wakakaka
ala kalau korang nak tau 2nd game tu anas menang bukan sbb dia terer tp sbb sumer org lain dah letih so main ntah ape2. haha.
its ok.
i understand too
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