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This time around, my driving lesson is at morning, which is 8 to 11 to be precise. Had difficulties waking up but hey I woke up anyway. I had an outing yesterday so it was a little tiring maybe that's why but it was worth it because yesterday was like a dream. Anyway, after eating my breakfast, which is Milo cereal with milk if any of you wanted to know, I waited at my house's bench for the instructor at 8 on the dot. What a fool I was. I should have known he would be late. Sat there for 15 minutes before he came.
This time, I was asked to drive the car straight from my house to the centre. No problem I guess. Got there and did was I did yesterday, nothing new. Still having a few engine stalls but not as frequent anymore. Did all of the stock hill stop, side parking and 3 pointer turn. Still some mistakes at the hill but the parking and 3 pointer turns, I had no problem. The instructor spent his time talking about stuffs such as, he likes to do this thing because he get to look at girls, asking me not to stall the engine in front of girls and so on and so forth. I just sat there and laughed uninitiatively.
Went around the highway a couple of more times, which is known as Jalan 2 and went around SMK Bandar Tun Hussein Onn which is known as Jalan 1. Drive here drive there no problem. My problem was, I sometimes forget to flick the signal, in which the marking criteria writes as instant failure. Wow. I need to pay attention. Come on Rayza you can do it!!!After all of that same thing over and over again, I was asked to drive home again. No problem. Got home safely. My next lesson will be on the 1st of March which, at the time of writing, is 4 days away. I will also be having my pre-test on that day. Hopefully I don't do any silly mistakes and most importantly, I won't mess up. Wish me luck everyone. It will help.
P/S: My lucky ring helps me a lot when I'm driving I guess
Frankly, I don't really celebrate my birthday. But these few people wished me and actually took the effort to do so. And even though a lot of the wishers said I am getting old, they still wished it nonetheless. I'm so thankful. In order of time, here's who they are:Syazlin AzmiWished me during a Yahoo! Messenger session on a fine day. It was early but hey, a wish is a wishSumithra MahendranSent me a message through Friendster wishing me good luck and good happiness.Marie AmiraSent me a MySpace comment past midnight wishing me a happy birthday.Wishes on the 24th=================Alyaa AbdullahGave me a quick call singing happy birthday to me at exactly 12 am today and said I'm getting old.Raihan AirilSent me an SMS and said I'm getting older.Ridhwan Firdaus RamliSent me an SMS and said I'm old. Haha but I'm glad he wished anyway.Diniy Md ShahSent me a Facebook wall-to-wall happy birthday.Zafree ZaharidanSent me an SMS around 3am saying I'm old but not as old as he is and called me pak cikAnas Afifi SazaliSent me a Facebook wall-to-wall saying my birthday is the same as his father's.Zulaikha HalimSent an SMS and said I'm so old.My momCalled me and sang me the birthday jingle.Maly FadzilSent me a straight and simple Facebook wall-to-wall message.Fahmi FairuzAnother Facebook wall-to-wall message and called me abangParvinaa NairSent me a short Friendster message.Jason ChooSent me an SMS saying I'm old so he's happy.
Fatimah Zulkepli
A random pedestrian blog passer by.
Aaina Bahry
Thorugh the comments here in this blog
Farha Ghouse
Sent a Facebook wall-to-wall wish
Syazlin Azmi & Farish
Another wish through SMS through Alyaa since she haven't got my number
Syahirah Jamaluddin
A wish at 11:59pm today
Thank you guys! This means so much more than gifts.
So if you have been following my blog, you would've knew that I'm only taking my D class license. So today is the day where I'm taught how to drive, with an instructor. Have tried driving before this but that was using an automatic, power steering, NGV fueled, executive, Naza Ria which was very easy and driver friendly.As appointed, I am to be fetched from my house at 2pm. But this is Malaysia so punctuality is just a concept. Anyway, the instructor came about 15 minutes past 2pm. It's ok because I was on the phone anyway. So he came with a Perodua Kancil (whaddya expect? Renault Clio V6?) and not being a mute or deaf person, I talked with him of course. First of all, I was glad that my instructor was a male because I don't feel comfortable sitting beside a lady, and it was a small car that our elbows touched a few times. Told him this and that, blablabla...And not long after, I got to Imkeda, where I'm taking my license of course. As soon as we arrive he asked me to take the wheel and so I did. What happen on the few first tries? The engine stalls and die and it was shaking like it was earthquake but of course, as a normal human being that is still learning, mistakes are part of the process of learning. But after about 5 minutes I understood the use of the clutch and the 1st gear and could already drive with only the clutch pressed and the 1st gear. Right after that, I learned how to climb a hill. Engine died only a couple of time before I got it.After that, the instructor brought me to a shop area in Bandar Tun Hussein Onn to practice on gear changing and speed bumps. The usual engine stall, and quakes but after 20 minutes being around, I got used to it. There was this particular rich dude driving an SLK 350 that I almost hit as he turned to enter a parking without signalling first. What a dumb guy. Can't you see the freaking L on the windscreen or are you illiterate? Right after that, he asked me to drive back to the center myself. I was sceptical at first but as I calmed myslef down, it wasn't as difficult.Back at Imkeda, he stopped for some evening drinks but I had none. I wasn't that hungry. Continued the lesson with on the hill stop, side parking and 3 point turns. All of them wasn't very difficult I think. Well at least to me. Made some mistakes at the hill but for parking and 3 pointers, there wasn't any problem. Circled the place a few more times before I was asked by the instructor to drive home! Through the highway! At first, again I was unsure but after a while, I got used to it. Almost ran over a motorcyclist who didn't obey the red light. Imbecile. but aside from the 2 close calls I had today, everything else was smooth.My next lesson will be on the 26th of this month, which, at the time of writing, this Thursday. I'm going to kick back and relax tomorrow. Driving is fun I guess. But I really can't say anything for sure.
This is a Perodua Kancil for any of you that doesn't know or haven't heard of it
This is a Renault Clio V6 that is awesomely fast and costs as much as a B class Mercedes
I went around some social network sites the other day and found this which was quite interesting and isn't as difficult to do. I want to do it so that I can ask other people to do it. Hehe. And I know number 41 is missing but it was inappropriate. So technically there's 99 but 100 is a more commercial number. Hehe. Anyway, here they are; 100 things about me!001. Real name -- Rayza Ridzuan002. Nickname(s) -- Ray, Za, Iwan, munchkin, masham & hunny003. Zodiac sign -- Pisces the fish!004. Male or female -- pure XY Chromosome Male005. Elementary School -- hurm some chinese kindergarten from 3 to 4 years old. Tabika Rukun Tetangga for 5 and 6 years old006. Primary School -- SK Sri Mega & SK Sg. Kantan007. High School -- SM Amminudin Baki & SMK Saujana Impian008. Hair color -- black with a dashing strike of silver :P 009. Long or short -- either way for as long as it's maintainable010. Loud or Quiet -- quiet! silence is gold. but I'm normal too so loud is ok too sometimes ;-)011. Sweats or Jeans -- neither. I wear anything comfortable (and decent)012. Phone or Camera -- phone for now, but camera is good too013. Health freak -- wanted to be but so far God has given me excellent health :-)014. Drink or Smoke -- neither and I'm anti to both015. Do you have a crush on someone -- crush? haha don't think so016. Eat or Drink -- who doesn't do both?017. Piercings -- naah. uncool018. Tattoos -- haram! but even if it's not, i won't get one anyway :PHAVE YOU EVER?019. Been in an airplane? -- yup! A long time ago 020. Been in a relationship? -- haha not gonna answer that021. Been in a car accident ? -- yes but nothing serious022. Been in a fist fight ? -- no. not yet maybe? hahaFIRSTS:023. First piercing -- none024. First best friend -- some chubby guy named Ashraf Nordin025. First award -- hurm let's see. got 1st in exam?026. First crush -- haha not sure028. First big vacation -- erm. never been on a big one. just similar small onesLASTS:029. Last person you talked to -- Lulu (bukan nama sebenar)030. Last person you texted -- Lulu (bukan nama sebenar)031. Last person you watched a DVD with -- my friends I guess. can't recall032. Last food you ate -- nasi goreng ikan masin at Village View restaurant last night :P033. Last movie you watched alone -- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire034. Last song you listened to -- Love Song by Taylor Swift035. Last thing you bought -- hurm a large slurpee at 7-11! 036. Last person you hugged -- hurm. not sure if that's considered a hug so I'm not sure. haha!FAVES:037. Food -- hurm. anything that tastes good I guess. hehe038. Drinks -- depends on what my throat says :P039. Clothing -- any casual wears like Snails, Camel Active, Polo, Suave, etc040. Flower -- I got an inclination towards tulips. don't know why042. Colors -- black! and now trying to like chocolate. hehe043. Movies -- Transformers, Dark Knight, 300 and some other044. Subjects -- hurm anything IT relatedIn 2008, I....045. [ ] kissed someone046. [ ] celebrated Halloween047. [x] had your heart broken048. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone049. [ ] someone questioned your sexual orientation050. [x] came out of the closet051. [ ] gotten pregnant052. [ ] had an abortion053. [x] done something you've regretted054. [x] broke a promise055. [x] hid a secret056. [x] pretended to be happy057. [x] met someone who changed your life058. [x] pretended to be sick059. [ ] left the country060. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it061. [ ] cried over the silliest thing062. [x] ran a mile063. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend(s)064. [x] got into an argument with your friends065. [x] hated someone066. [ ] stayed single the whole yearCURRENTLY:067. Eating -- nothing068. Drinking -- also no069. I'm about to -- play some games. love my PC :P070. Listening to -- my PC's fan noise071. Plans for today -- games and that's all072. Waiting for -- a few 25/2 and 1/3073. Want kids -- yeah of course some day!074. Want to get married -- definitely. looking forward to it :P075. Careers in mind -- hurm something related to IT that pays wellWHICH IS BETTER WITH A GUY/GIRL?076. Lips or eyes -- can I have both? haha anyway either is good but lips are kinda interesting to me077. Shorter or taller -- shorter without a question! taller girls intimidate me078. Romantic or spontaneous -- a balanced amount of both079. Nice stomach or nice arms -- ahaha! what a funny question. I would say healthy stomach and arms would do080. Sensitive or loud -- sensitive at the right time and loud at times too :P081. Hook-up or relationship -- relationships for sure082. Trouble-maker or hesitant -- I'm not a trouble maker but does that make me a hesitant? I dunnoHAVE YOU EVER:083. Lost glasses/contacts -- yes I've lost my glasses before! I'm on my 2nd set084. Snuck out of your house -- erm... yes actually. haha!085. Held a gun/knife for self defense -- held some steel pipes a few times. murdered that rat in my house086. Killed somebody -- yes! lot's of people! but only in videogames. NEVA in real life087. Broken someone's heart -- yes. multiple times due to my foolishness088. Been arrested -- no. hopefully never :P089. Cried when someone died -- naturally, yes..DO YOU BELIEVE IN:090. Yourself -- haha not really. which is a problem091. Miracles -- I can't seem to have an explanation for it but it had happen a few times before092. Love at first sight -- no I don't think that's love093. Heaven -- yes it exists094. Santa Claus -- haha there are some people that are actually named Santa Claus but doesn't deliver toys on X'mas. does that count?095. Sex on the first date -- NO096. Kiss on the first date -- NOTRUTHFULLY:097. Is there one person you want to be with right now -- yes. all the time...098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life -- yes I am for the person who cares for me099. Do you believe in God ? Without a single doubt, YES100. Post as 100 truths and tag 12 people12? This is my blog so I'll just tag whoever I want. Anyway, the tag is going to:-~everyone that follows my blog especially Alyaa (cause you tagged me before!)~anyone at all interested in doing this, be my guest
It was another Thursday morning when I woke up. At noon I suddenly got a call from Shaizuan my college mate. He invited me to tag along to go around Sunway Pyramid for fun with him and Anas. I, having nothing better to do agreed on their invitation. Anas came almost an hour after that to fetch me and we went to Uan's house first before proceeding to Sunway Pyramid for the Zuhur prayers. After fetching Uan's UniTen friend named Fikri if I'm not mistaken (correct me if I had his name wrong) we head for Sunway Pyramid. First up on the menu is looking for a place to eat. Waffle World was the first suggestion but we went to Carl's Jr. which is a suggestion by Uan. And since I've never been there at the first place, I thought why not, though I know the price there is not as average as many other popular fast food restaurants. So nevermind that. Had our lunch and it was very filling indeed. The burger is as big as it says and that really suits my appetite. Hehe. Some of us even have difficulty finishing them. But I finished my food as usual sbb tak baik membazir kawan setan.
Whaddya mean it's gonna get messy? That's like something straight out of a mob movie! Or maybe they meant it's going to mess my cholestrol level? I dunno. But it's as filling as it is expensive
After that we went around tanpa hala tuju window shopping konon2 mcm terer shopping la to look around many interesting clothes dan berasa tertekan sbb sumer mende tak mampu nak beli with great deals. Oh well it wasn't the sale season anyway. Soon after lps diriku bosan sbb tak reti window shopping that, I suggested that we go play bowling. When we got there and looked at he price table, it was RM 8 per game which is mighty expensive dah rase menyesal lak cadang td but there is actually a student rate which is RM 3.5 per game. Now we're talking! And luckily all 4 of us brought our student ID and got those special rates. We played for 2 games. Out of the 4 people, I got 2nd for the first game and downright last ye la sbb dah lame tak main(alasan!). After the game, we got hungry again. Well, not REALLY hungry but there's now space for more food. Went to Waffle World as I suggested earlier. Running under a budget, we decided to share our food. 2 sets of food shared among 4 people. I shared with Anas and Uan shared with Fikri. We had waffle and drinks.
The bill that was splitted equally among me & Anas. Yup, wherever you go, there will be tax, whether it's govt. or service, you will get tax'd somehow
After the meal, time to go home for me. Since I'm not getting sent home as I was fetched when I came, I had to make my way by myself back home. I was worried about the crowd sbb nanti ade byk variasi bau badan because it is peak hours but I was lucky that there's not as many people as I thought. I even got a seat on the bus. Took the bus to Mid Valley to catch a Commuter to Kajang which is, by the way, the fastest way to go. As usual the train gets delayed for some unannounced problem but it got there on the next schedule. Again I was afraid of the crowd mengalahkan kapal angkut pendatang haram but luckily it was also not as full. Had to stand but it's no big deal. At least I don't have to be in a crowd dan bertukar-tukar bau antara satu sama lain and after a few stations I even got a seat. Got home before 9.30pm. What a day.
P/S: sorry Raihan aku pakai style strikeout kau tanpe kebenaran kau. harap2 tiada sebarang saman terhadap pembayaran royalti
The word miss has many meaning in the English lexicon. Type exactly the title of this post on Google and you will get it's many definition. But the one particular definition that I'm blogging about today is miss; the kind of feeling that you get when you are away from someone (or something). I personally don't know the explanation for this phenomenon. But on my opinion, this is what "missing" are:What?Missing someone (or something) is a feeling that is involuntary and need not any effort for it to happen. Missing is the kind of feeling when you want to scream, cry, weep, or any other method of suppressing your feeling. Some people might have other weird and peculiar ways of expressing their feelings of miss towards someone -- or something. some of them may resort on distracting themselves by keeping themselves busy by doing other things that doesn't remind them of the person (or thing) that they are missing. Some people even go as far as lying to themselves that they're not missing that someone (or something) in which, in my opinion, is not healthy because sooner or later they are going to get a personality conflict.Why?Well I don't know. We were created to be that way, that could be the simplest answer I guess. The amount of love, affection, attention and attraction you have towards someone (or something) doesn't affect if you will miss the person (or thing) or not, rather the slightest interest can make you miss the person (or thing). This however does give an impact of how much you will miss someone (or something) and for how long you will be in the situation. The absence of the person (or item) even for a while could make us miss them. Since we think that the person (or the item) completes us and that weren't whole if it wasn't for them.How?Like I said this phenomenon happens probably because we were created to miss someone (or something). The absence of the someone (or something) we love and care about will make us think a lot of them. How are they doing, are they well, are they with someone else, are they thinking of us, do they even miss us a little, and all sorts of other questions. Questions that may sound a lot like selfishness if spoken out loud. Most of the time missing happens to people who doesn't have anything to distract them from it. It seems that even hobbies aren't enough to cover up the feeling of missing.When?When you notice that something is just isn't right without the person (or thing) around. You feel as if everything you do is wrong for some reason and that for some reason you always get distracted from the real case at hands. Also when the event of "missing" happens, you tend to wish to stumble upon the person (or thing, but in this case it's just ridiculous) you miss anywhere you go. The feeling of missing is also amplified when you're in a silent place and lonely. That kind of atmosphere just seem to suit for missing someone (or something).Where?Everywhere! The feeling of miss isn't specific at a place. But like I said, being in a lonely place, silent place and even at night will amplify the feeling.Who?Every single human that isn't heartless will at some point of their lives miss someone (or something). Perfectly normal. But it's how you tackle those situation of missing is the one that differs you from other people. Whether you go bananas due to extreme case of missing or you keep your cool on hopes for better chances of curing your "missing" is totally up to one person. And not necessarily the feeling is mutual between two person though. Very subjective stuff.Why I write all of these? I dunno I guess I have too much spare times on my hand and I've been thinking too much. I need to slow down.
Maybe I do miss someone
I've been tagged at last. I could deny to do this anytime but hey I don't have anything to lose right? Thanks Alyaa for tagging me. Here's my reply.
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. (Those that are tagged cannot refuse)C) Continue this game by tagging 8 other people.1.What have you been doing recently?Completed all of my assignments2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?No I can't if not my hp data will be lost! But I still turn off the cellular line during exams and when going to mosques3.What happened at 10am today?I'm still sleeping4.When did you last cry?Can't remember. Even if I did it's classified information5.Believe in fate/destiny?Most of the time6.What do you want in your life now?More time7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?I carry an umbrella.. ella.. ella...8.What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?Sleep like everyone does9.What bottoms are you wearing now?A blue lined black track bottom10.What's the nicest things in your inbox?My hp inbox? A particular message writing "Anything 4 u"11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?Haha I guess not12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?No! I've never done that13.What was the last movie you caught?Twilight14.What are you proud of?I'm proud to be a Muslim and I'm proud of my PC. Hehe.15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?GPRS telah aktif. Utk bantuan konfigurasi GPRS, layari atau hubungi 1-300-820-120 (caj dikenakan). Pengguna Nokia/SonyEricsson lihat SMS #216.What was the last song you sang out loud?Postman Pat17.Do you have any nicknames?Ray, Za, Iwan & munchkin18.What does the newest text say?"Okeh."19.What time did you go to bed last night?Around 3 am.20.Are you currently happy?Definitely yes!21.Who gives you the best advise?My best friend, my close friend, and Lulu (bukan nama sebenar)22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?I don't eat anything straight from the can23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?Lulu (bukan nama sebenar).24.Is something bugging you now?This intermitting internet connection25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?Lulu (bukan nama sebenar)
The 8 people who is going to be tagged is:-
-your mother
-your mother
-your mother
-and then your faaaather!!!
I've just updated my blog layout. Check it out! Neat huh? Leave some comments and suggestions. Will be blogging more soon. Right now I have my finals in hand. Hopefull I do well.Thanks for dropping by!
Or is it? I don't know but it gave me the lols. I mean just try pronouncing it with a siamese accent. There, instant laughter. Good stuff.