Greetings. Welcome to my blog. Now. For those who knows me, they will think that I'm very good around words (
tiada niat utk masuk bakul angkat sendiri. sila ambil perhatian. hehe.). The truth is, I have problems putting them into words of exact meaning in which I am supposed to potray. So in this blog of mine, you will see my hilarious attempts to somehow explain what I felt and how I look into things that occur around me. I don't talk very much. So sometimes it's in writings that you could see what I tried to transmit. Still, that will only happen at a small rate. Don't get intimidated now. I'm not a person filled with hatred and anguish towards things but rather I think everything deserve a deeper look. Ok this is getting confusing. Let's get blogging!

In my blog expect to see:
- About me
- My interests
- My opinions
- Maybe even movie reviews!